White Rabbit Intergalactic Bunny Organics is currently a 50 state legal product. This is more of a beginners product and isn't for experienced users. It gave you the effect, but a mild one that never really goes where you want it too.
I don't really know how to describe it. I've smelled it before but I can't pinpoint what the smell is.
The taste isn't very good, as with most incense. But this one is a little below average, although nothing that wasn't smoke-able.
Potency & Length of Effect:
White Bunny lasted for about 40 minutes or so. It wasn't a very potent blend, definitely below average. I had to smoke about twice as much as I usually do.
It varies a lot depending on where you get it. I've seen it very cheap but also seen it up to $25/g.
Smell: 7/10
Taste: 6/10
Potency: 6/10
Effect: 6/10
Length of Effect: 6/10