Saturday, October 22, 2011

ZeRo GrAviTy Potpourri Review - Juicy Fruit & Pineapple

ZeRo GrAviTy Potpourri is decent but nothing special. It has a mellow effect that's good for newer incense smokers. This is what it says on the back if you can't read the above picture: "Zero Gravity is the state of floating and weightlessness. The feeling of being in outer space. Are you willing to defy the laws of gravity" and then "Ingredients: Marshmallow Leaf, Flavoring Additives".

It smells almost just like the Juicy Fruit gum!

The taste isn't all that. The main ingredient is marshmallow leaf so it can be a little harsh at times. The taste isn't as good as the smell.

ZeRo GrAviTy Potpourri is not the most potent blend around but it's not bad. I'd recommend this for someone new to incense, but it'll work for veteran smokers too.

 The effect from ZeRo GrAviTy is a mellow head high. It was a little weaker then I prefer but everyone else seemed to enjoy it. If you smoke a little more you can get the desired effect, though.

Length of Effect:
ZeRo GrAviTy lasts for about an hour, give or take.

Smell: 9/10
Taste: 6.7/10
Potency: 7/10
Effect: 7/10
Length of Effect: 7.5/10

ZeRo GrAviTy Potpurri Review - Pineapple

Smell: 8/10
Taste: 6.7/10
Potency: 7/10
Effect: 7/10
Length of Effect: 7.5/10

I recently got another bag of this Pineapple stuff and the smell was completely different than last time. I would give this new bag like a 6 for smell. Maybe it's just a bad bag? I don't know but it's definitely not the same.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Head Trip - Olde No 10 Blend - Head Trip Review Herbal Incense Potpourri

Head Trip is great! This is definitely the strongest stuff I've had in a while. It looked kind of odd, was powdery and had a couple big incense looking leafs in it. But it turned out to be pretty good. This is not for your average smoker though.

I didn't like the smell. It's very citrus like, it reminded me of Pine-sol.

The taste was very similar to the smell. I didn't really care for it myself.

Head Trip is very potent.  It's one of the stronger blends that I've had. I got this and smoked a couple big bowls, taking a good 10-15 solid hits and man was I wasted. I would not advise that. Start out with a few hits and wait to see how you feel. The effect will creep up on you out of no where.

 Head Trip has a very strong head and mild body high that comes on slow but lasts a couple hours, slowly mellowing out over the time. It sometimes has a creeper effect that will sneak up on you. I'd say just do a couple hits and wait 10-15 minutes and see how you feel before smoking any more.

Length of Effect:
One of the longest lasting effects from incense that I've had. The first time I smoked a lot and it lasted for about 4 hours. The second time I was little more conservative but it still lasted a good 2 hours. 

I've seen this stuff at all different prices, but the average seems to be about $10/g. With a quick google search it should be easy to find.

Smell: 5/10
Taste: 6/10
Potency: 9/10
Effect: 9/10
Length of Effect: 9.5/10
Price: 7/10